
March 9, 2021 |自定义电线篮子


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Stainless steel wire baskets have a variety of uses in the manufacturing sector. Whether it’s parts washing or movement through the facility, storage, or more, stainless steel wire baskets need to secure, protect, and ensure the integrity of precision parts.

In fact, post-production, damage to the surface of a part may result in rejection or worse.损坏的零件可能会损坏其他部件,机械,并导致更大的设备故障。虽然许多假设在生产或使用期间发生零件造成的损害,但事实是可以随时发生的,因此努力确保制造过程的所有部分维护部分完整性至关重要。这包括零件洗涤过程。

During the零件洗涤过程,损坏可能是一个设计不良篮子的结果,例如批量生产的篮子,并且不考虑组件或过程的关键需要。无论是锋利的边缘,零件的风险都是移动还是从篮子里抛出,零件撞击篮筐或其他部分的侧面,任何数量的看似无辜的设计元素都会导致持久的损坏并导致相当大的延迟和成本。

Marlin’scustom steel wire basketsreduce damage to parts by taking into account the demands of your parts and processes in every step of their design. Marlin’s engineers tweak the design elements used in a basket design to minimize the risk of the basket damaging parts during washing, transport, or finishing process.


伟德APPMarlin Steel对定制不锈钢线篮游戏并不陌生,随着时间的推移,它已经磨练了它的设计过程,包括完全分析您的需求,以确保我们提供的产品提供所需的内容。因此,我们流程的第一部分涉及深入调查问卷,这些调查问卷看起来每一步,篮子在处理零件时会采取。此调查问卷使我们能够查看在制造定制不锈钢线篮时需要考虑的一些更重要的功能。

1. Dimensions

Getting the precise measurements is key, but ensuring that our team has the measurements of each part or machine your wire basket will interact with is vital. While the machine used to wash parts may be one size, you may want to also use a滚动车运输或需要在其他过程中使用定制线篮。因此,获取所有特定维度是至关重要的。




One of the most important sections of the questionnaire deals with the machinery, robotics, belts, or other moving parts the custom wire basket may interact with. Further, we look at the dimensions of all of these elements to ensure that the basket can move seamlessly between all of these parts of the process without any issues that may slow down production, increase labor, damage the parts or any machinery, or create undue stress on the stainless steel wire basket itself.


在了解如何使用篮子时,您的团队可能需要附加的功能协助携带或移动篮子,改善工人访问等。这些功能可能包括:手柄,lids, stacking/nesting abilities, and more.

5. Exposure

知道哪个钢等级, 什么样的coatings(如果有的话)是需要的,Marlin团队需要知道我们的每种定制不锈钢线篮子将暴露在一起。虽然这部分地包括与机器的交互,机器人, and other parts, it also includes environmental, chemical, and temperature exposures.


For small parts in particular, layout is important. If, during the washing process, parts may move and jeopardize the integrity, understanding layout needs, to hold parts in place and prevent movement, is crucial. This may include very specific rows, segmentation, lids, and more.



Order Custom Wire Baskets from Marlin Steel

您的业​​务对您很重要,从最小的移动部分到最大。这是同类的护理和骄傲的Marlin Steel,特别是其产品和工艺,特别是定制伟德APP不锈钢线篮设计过程,可确保我们的产品满足您的需求。

从初始设计,到严格的预生产FEA测试,模仿多年的使用,并在生产之前识别结构问题,以仔细生产和制造您的篮子,Marlin Steel提供与您和您的产品的合作,从开始完成。伟德APP

If you’ve got custom needs, we’ve got the solution.Get in touch with our team今天要讨论如何帮助您确保零件的完整性,简化您的流程,并提供产品寿命以节省您的时间和金钱。

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