2,000 Days of Safety and Counting at Marlin Steel

June 24, 2014 |Custom Wire Baskets,American Manufacturing

Marlin Steel's Workplace Automation Improves SafetyRecently, we made a blog post about howworkplace automation improved safety among manufacturers. In that post, we mentioned that thanks to the adoption of automated manufacturing techniques, we have gonemore than 2,000 dayswithout a safety incident on our factory floor.

Well, we’re proud to state that we’re still more than 2,030 days without an accident (and counting)!

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the people on our team who have diligently removed chances for accidents. Our team has an exceptional safety committee headed up by our Production Manager (Andy Croniser) and several key employees in maintenance and leaders in our sheet metal fabrication department and ourcustom wire basketdepartment.

People ask how did you get such a long streak?Here are five approaches that have helped our safety success at Marlin:

  1. Empowered Safety Committee – they meet monthly and get what they want
  2. Creative Safety Committee – come up with outside of the box ideas to improve safety
  3. Inquisitive Safety Committee – They took tours to other phenomenal safe facilities (Acadia Doors and Windows in Baltimore County, MD) to cross pollinate and model some of their ideas.
  4. 80/20 – follow up with solutions the most likely problems that will cause future accidents.
  5. Embrace Suggestions – Marlin invited in OSHA (Thank You Allen Stump) and our worker’s compensation insurance company (Thank you CNA) for suggestions. They gave great ideas. We followed each idea and they made us better.

This safety committee has for years met monthly, grappled with near misses, promoted clever ideas to make a safe environment for their colleagues. They have shown tremendous tenacity – never giving up making a better and safer work environment.

Everyone at伟德APPis proud to be a part of the resurgence of American manufacturing. Through the use of innovative technologies combined with training and experience, our engineers are able to craftcustom wire formsfor all of yourmaterials and parts handling needs.

To learn more about how automated manufacturing techniques have enabled more than half a decade of accident-free work, check out ourblog post on the subject.
